Dear All,
The Time of Discernment has arrived........
After many months of seemingly insurmountable opposition, personal and professional sacrifices and challenges, the quest for a homeland for "True Healing" may have reached its end.
It may well be someone else's work to unite healers and bridge knowledge. I just don't know. It certainly requires more courageous people dedicated to truth and integrity, willing to share, to give of time and talent and perhaps more importantly to listen.
There are so many things I wish I could share with you and so much I wish were different. In the end, it doesn't matter. It is what it is.
As I pen this, I am curiously reminded of the crossroads a friend of mine faced with his site dedicated to remembering the Holocaust and reuniting families and survivors. (It was a project I am honored to have shared.) As I ponder the uncertainty of the path ahead, I recall reading his letter. In brief, it stated that perhaps he was the Emperor minus the fancy clothes, naked before the world and that he felt that the project might indeed be like the sand Mandala ready to be swept away and cast back into the water. It still gives me chills when I recall his words and feelings, even though that was six years ago.
So, too, I have thought about that letter for months and the feeling behind it. Each time, it has struck a deeper chord and resonated more loudly. I realize his love for the project and his willingness to let it go emanated from the same love in his heart. (After some time away, my friend found strength and resources to carry it forward:)
Energy and time are short. For more than twenty years, I have dedicated whatever I could, always painfully aware that even my best efforts were short of what was needed.
True healing may have reached an impasse, a new beginning or an end awaiting someone else's insight, inspiration, energy and love to bring into the world today or in the future. Perhaps, it was the " impossible dream," simple grains of sand collected carefully, painstakingly drawn only to be swept away and given back to the universe.
A little more time and distance might yield more answers. Unlike my friend, I have no other "me" to man the office in my absence. In the meantime, this warrior must find refuge, true rest, or a sanctuary somewhere. I'll have to trust that Divine intervention will somehow step in and the answer will shine through. Namaste