Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pondering Directions and Ix Chel

Within the waves of global public discourse............
between and among healers,
healer to patient,
patient to patient, healer to scientist/researcher and/or M.D.,
so much chatter and musings fill the air.

In the midst of all this, I contemplate, reflect.
During a similar period of time this summer, a book sitting on my bookshelf called to me.
From within it, the light emanated. It revived my soul and spoke to me on so many levels.

After reading SASTUN by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, I had decided that she was and is one of the most amazing healers. It is not surprising that she and don Eligio Panti, the Mayan Healer who taught her entered my paper for presentation next weekend in Taiwan.

Read a bit of her interview from Whole Earth Review, Summer, 1992, by Nadine Epstein and see what enters your streams of consciousness.

FindArticles - Mayan medicine: lunch with Rosita Arvigo, shaman from Chicago - woman from Chicago, Illinois apprentices with Indian healer; includes information on ethnobotany and a list of useful herbs.

More about Rosita and Mayan Healing Quest for Ancient Home Remedies

Picture and further information from Student Rainforest Fund

Namaste, IX Chel (The Goddess of Medicine)

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