I would be remiss if I entered the New year without honouring the wolf, my companion, my teacher, my friend, sometimes, the master of my destruction, yet always leading me along the path, propelling inquiries, discoveries, engaging me in a global conversation and purpose I never intended and, of course, encouraging new levels of thought, of trust, faith. Yet, I cannot contain the smile!
Indeed, the wolf and I have done many battles--the most severe nearly every winter, reaching life threatening levels and harrowing depths. Yet, within the heart of each and every one of them, was embedded a lesson, a beacon, something that pulled me and saved me, despite the Arctic battleground.
At other times, it has rescued me and, inexplicably, allowed me to rest my head on its white paws and rest within the archway of her breast and abdomen.
Standing upon the cliff above, she has often served as a wake up call, summoning me on more than one occasion, somehow foreshadowing the impending danger if I turned and walked the other way.
Yet, one winter some years ago, war-torn and weary, as I struggled to maintain every breath, every heartbeat, fully engaged in meditation, I listened to the call and followed the path of her steps, consciously unaware of the course ahead. After ascending the cliff above, I exhausted my energy. An Arctic storm arose and she dragged me, literally. Nearly lifeless in this world and the next, she dragged me into the ice. Within it, I felt warm.
Nestled midst her cubs, I did not understand. Resting amid them and under them, she stood watch before settling in herself.
It was here, as I opened my eyes for a second or two at a time that I saw the Northern lights brightly streaming through the ice above, gentling filling the den with wondrous light, surrounding the cubs and highlighting the outline of each of them.

It was here, as I opened my eyes for a second or two at a time that I saw the Northern lights brightly streaming through the ice above, gentling filling the den with wondrous light, surrounding the cubs and highlighting the outline of each of them.
It was here within the den, that she nudged me and the sacred pact was made, beneath the twilight of the Northern lights, I found myself making promises, agreeing to tend to the wolf cubs, to nurture them, sustain and protect them along the unknown course. Little did I know we would be leaving so soon and that the next leg of the journey hastened.
Then within the den's opening appeared the dark wolf, her mate. Fearing it was the wolf who had previously attacked me, she assured me he was not the same. I stilled to watch and wait, tempering courage with trust. As he neared, i felt his spirit, stared into his eyes and instantly knew. Yet, he arrived with a warning.
Together we left the den and traveled for a while- the pack. Danger impended. Days later, my lovely wolf guardians ventured on, leaving me in charge. The wolf cubs and I tread along. Need I say, the path has never been the same?
I did not understand the depth or gravity of this shamanic journey then but I embraced it anyway. Do we ever fully know anything anyway?
It has been many years since then and I share the stories and their nuances freely, shamanic in nature, indeed. I could never have known where this would lead--that the wolfprints would lead me through lands and culture, across time and space, on a seemingly eternal quest, almost always requiring more than my personal best. It is the journey that is the reward, for it has encouraged and propelled me along to people and places beyond imagination to hearts and souls, experience and compassion and to seeing the world through eyes other than my own.
S'ung Manitu Tanka, I honour you for your strength and wisdom. It is with a sincere, awakened heart and mind that I express profound eternal gratitude for saving me, refining and carving me along the way. Wolfprints...wolfprints in my soul...we travel on to meet more people, touch more lives. Happy 2008!
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